200 Reasons why flat-earthers are simply wrong. (Rebuke: 200 Proofs the earth is not a spinning ball.)

200 Reasons why flat-earthers are simply wrong. (Rebuke: 200 Proofs the earth is not a spinning ball.) Introduction Proofs ? Really, that's the word they went with? Oh dear. Prepare yourself for what is to come. I'm afraid that this will be one of the longer posts. On the other hand, it'll then be out there. Update: I've decided to mention this post , because it is hilarious. Apparently, some rapper tweeted about the earth being flat, when Neil deGrasse Tyson chimed in. The rapper then made a song about it. After which Neil's Nephew, also a rapper, made a rap in response. Let us first establish the baseline. The earth is a semi-ellipsoid - think of an egg. It's hanging about in space, rotating around the common centre of gravity of several systems. The most significant ones being the sun and moon - so we're on a sort of wobbly ellipse. Note that when I say sphere in the article, I usually just use it as a shortcut for discussing some shape. I...