Response: 8 Shocking reasons GMO's are bad for you
An anti-GMO article was posted on IFLS; Let's respond. The 8 shocking reasons are false. Let me show you. Response: [8 Shocking reasons GMO's are bad for you]. 1. Health consequences are largely unknown. [health consequence of gmo] on gives a great many results. This article seems rather nice: 2. GMOs are unlabeled in America. And the european union has banned gmos! That's good to know, as I live there and didn't know that. Indeed, the EU doesn't know it either; . On a sidenote, they aren't labelled in our shops either. 3. Genetic modification reduces genetic diversity. That's not even true; we introduce a variation artificially, but they still vary. Indeed, the aim of GMO's is often to increase the robustness of the crop to many kinds of things, including those noted in this reason. I'm not sure how...