Rebuke: A long-term toxicology study on pigs fed a combined genetically modified (GM) soy and GM maize diet
A nice anti-gmo study was posted on IFLS. Let's take a look! "We have found that gmo-fed humans have a mass of 48-114 kg, whereas non-gmo fed humans have a mass of 38.4 - 84kg. Therefore, it has been shown that non-gmo fed humans have less mass." Rebuke: A long term toxicology study on pigs fed a combined genetically modified (GM) soy and GM maize diet. Well, let's take a look at the abstract. A significant number of genetically modified crops have been approved to enter human food and animal feed since 1996, including crops containing several GM genes `stacked'into the one plant. We randomised and fed isowean pigs (N=168) either in a mixed GM soy and GM corn (maize) diet (N=84) or an equivalent non-GM diet (N=84) in a long-term toxicology study of 22.7 weeks (the normal lifespan of a commercial pig from weaning to slaughter). Equal numbers of male and female pigs were present in each group. The GM corn contained double and triple-stacked varieties. Fe...